New Love - New Destiny

НАЗВАНИЕ: New Love - New Destiny
АВТОР: Fan of Lawrence Bayne
ПЕРСОНАЖИ/ПАРЫ: Виктор/Новый персонаж
СТАТУС: неокончен

May 16, 1985

It was sunny hot day in May as never for the last 35 years. However, in cool long underground tunnels weren't so hot, even a little bit cool. Those tunnels stretched for thousands and thousands miles underground right under the Blake Holsey High and suburbs. There nobody knows about those tunnels and experiments that were being conducted by young distinguished scientist and businessman - Victor Pearson and his mysterious wife Sarah Lynch Pearson. Everyone was happy and suspected nothing… even the staff - they just went to the work and did their job… until in one sunny day the pretty young girl came to the Pearadyne Industries…
- Excuse me! - the young lady approached the secretary.
- Yes! Can I help you? - woman with pleasing appearance asked
- May I talk with Mr. Pearson?
- Do you have an appointment?
- No.
- Ok. Wait a minute I'll ask him if he's able to receive you!
- Please do! - the young lady sat next to respectable man who's reading a newspaper.
The woman left her workplace and came out from the room.


Meantime Victor Pearson was checking his staff work.
- No, Mr. Tompson! Didn't you hear what I'd said? We need more power! MORE! Do it!
- Yes, Mr. Pearson!
- Honey, Where've you been? I was looking for you on the 27 floor! I thought you were there! - Sarah approached Victor
- Oh, Sarah! I'm upset! Look at the results! - Victor showed her a monitor with a lot of diagrams and schedules on it
- Don't worry! I'm sure we'll do this - It's just a matter of time!
- May be you're right! Ok I need to check another one experiment! See you at the dinner! - Victor kissed Sarah on the cheek and going to leave. Hardly had the lift opened when Sarah stopped him.
- Victor, wait! Forgot to say - someone's waiting for you on the reception!
- Who?
- I dunno. The secretary's just told me!
- Umm… Ok! I'm coming! - Victor got into the lift. While Victor were waiting for the necessary floor the strange man dressed in long black robe came behind Sarah and put the hand on her shoulder - Sarah shuddered
- Hello, Sarah! - greeted the stranger. His face was hidden by black hood.
- What are you doing here?
- I need to talk!
- No, Andreas! We have nothing to talk about! You must go - Victor may see you!
- Sarah, I really need it! Anyway, Victor's gone! Or may be you are afraid of him?
- Of course - No! Oh - somebody's coming, - Sarah heard the faint sound - lift's coming
- Ah! Ok - Talk you later! Today at 10:30. Will you come?
- I will! Now - go!
The stranger disappeared as suddenly as appeared


The lift door opened.
- Mr. Pearson!? The young lady's waiting for you in your office.
- Young lady? Ok! What does she want?
- I dunno, Mr. Pearson! She didn't say!
- Ok!

Victor opened the door of his office and was dumbfounded. In the soft big sofa, were sitting that pretty young girl. He suddenly felt, he could scarcely breathe. He forgot everything his problems on the Pearadyne - the failed experiment, unexpected results - Everything!
Fortunately for him - she couldn't saw him, standing in the doorway and staring at her as boy in love.
- Ok. Victor - calm down! It's just a very pretty girl. Relax! - thought Victor.
- Hello! What can I do for you? - he finally entered the room.
- Oh, Mr. Pearson. Nice to meet you! - she stand up and approached him.
Victor felt excited and to not show it he decided to sit in the chair. He took a deep breath and began looking the girl over from top to toe. She was really beautiful, her long luxuriant fair hair hung down right on her shoulder. She was dressed black suit, but the only thing that so excited Victor - was short black skirt and red shoes that were high-heeled, as distinct from Sarah, who was always wearing her long white robe.
- Well… - Victor finished examination.
- Oh, yes! So I'd like to work with you… umm… I mean on the Pearadyne as a probationer if you don't mind of course! - The girl said, stumbling her words.
- Of course. Do you have any recommendation letter?
- Yeah! - The girl gave him one. Victor stared in it, not getting a grasp. A minute later he said
- Good! You may begin tomorrow! I need an assistant! Would you like?
- I'd love to! - she smiled
- Victor, what are you doing here so long? Everyone's waiting for you on the 11 floor! - Sarah entered the room, not noticing the new Victor's assistant
- I'm coming, Sarah! Wait a minute!
- So, Miss…
- Rupert. Alex Rupert
- So, Miss Rupert see you tomorrow! - Victor said following her with his eyes. Sarah gave her a scathing look…
- Victor!
- Yes, Sarah?
- Who it was?
- That girl? My new assistant!
-New assistant? You already have one! Or, may be Noel doesn't cope with his work?
-He does! I just want something new!
-C'mon Sarah! Oh - I think I get you - you're jealous?
-Me? No, I'm not. I know you love me and never leave me.
-Don't be so sure,
- Victor whispered and mysteriously smiled
- What? - Sarah asked again
- Never mind! Well, I'll go to my lab!

Sitting alone in the lab with the floating ball that he got from red-haired girl, Victor thought, but not about the ball itself, as he usually did. He thought about his destiny, Sarah and the new assistant. He tried not thinking about her, but he couldn't. He still wasn't guessing that he fell in love again as 8 years ago with Sarah. Only now, he began thinking about her and doubting of her love for him. He remembered their first meeting and talking at school 8 years ago.
- Why did she come to me only after that moment when I got it? She even didn't notice me! Why? May be she loves me only because I have this strange ball? What a weird thought, Victor! Sarah would never do this!
While he was thinking, Sarah accidentally faced with that strange man.
- I thought we'd meet at 10 PM! What're you doing here again?
-Our plan's been changed!
-What now?
-Anyway we'll see each other on this Saturday at the party!
-How d' you know about that?
-Kelly told me! Oh - you don't want my coming, do you?
-How do you think? Of course. Victor shouldn't see you, remember?
-I know! But, I'll be with Kelly.
-By the way - how's she? Does she still trust you?
-For sure! 'Cause she loves me!
-And you?
-So do I, Sarah, as distinct from you!
-Oh, Andreas - Be careful! Love - is a dangerous feeling, believe me!
-Sarah, how can you? Don't you love him?
-Ha! I love him!? No! I need only his time travel technology! Only we must control it! C'mon I'll show you something!

Thinking that no one saw them, Sarah and Andreas left the room. But, they were mistaken…
Besides them, there was another one man, looking everyone after.
- It's time to interfere! - The strange man, called Janitor, said
- I can't believe, you said it! - Suddenly, the girl dressed in all black appeared from nowhere, - Not everyday I can hear this from you! You're always saying - we mustn't interfere! What's up? - She asked ironically.
- We have no choice! - Janitor replied toneless, as usual.
- What we'll do now?
- We won't and can't! but there is one, who can! - He said and got the photo of Victor's new assistant.
- The one!

Next day

Next day, Alex got up very early, 'cause she was afraid to be late in her first working day so she came to the Pearadyne ahead of time and decided to go for a walk near Pearson's mansion.
So did Victor. But, unlike Alex, he had a dream, but that dream was more like vision. He was very astonished by what he'd seen in his dream…
And despite that strange feeling - he liked it! Victor remembered all his sensations, quite a pleasing, but not the dream itself, as luck would have it. Sitting on the bed he was trying to remember everything, but in vain, it was just a waste of time… In such position he was sitting about a few minutes, then he decided to change the position and lied.
-Victor, you should remember it. I wonder why I can't. Concentrate! You should do this! … Oh Wow!!! What a feeling! - Victor, in an effort to concentrate on the strange dream, felt hot all over. He didn't really imagine - that dream, so excited him, would come true much sooner, than he expected.
- It's so HOT and Stuffy here! And I have only 25 minutes to take a shower and have breakfast! - he looked at his watch and immediately went to the bath.
While Victor Pearson was taking a cold shower, Alex was still walking along the Pearson's mansion, looking all around. Suddenly, passing by the forest, she saw Sarah. And she wasn't all alone - the strange man, dressed in all black accompanied her - straight out to the mysterious wood!
-No, Andreas! No - we must do it! It's our last chance, remember?
-We should find another way, Sarah! I can't leave Kelly! I love her!
-Not again! Don't you wanna stay here? In this reality?
-I'm not sure. May be we just take ball? With the ball we control the time itself! We'll have the ultimate power in the universe!
-You're incorrigible, as usual! Wanna try to take possession of the whole world again?
-You know it! But, now it's time! Are you ready?

Sarah smiled and passed her hand over the ground, so did Avenir. But who of them could ever imagine, that in that gloomy uninhabited wood was one girl watching them…
At the beginning, she didn't even believe that everything she's watching wasn't her imagination - it was nothing but Black Hole which sucked her boss's wife and her friend.
- How that's possible? - wondered she. Alex approached that place where recently was Sarah and her mysterious friend named Andreas Avenir.
- I think I've completely lost my mind.
She ran at top speed, noticing nobody on her way, including Victor. As a result - they faced each other.
- Hey! Look out! - he stopped her by his strong body.
- Oof, Mr. Pearson!? Sorry I didn't notice you! Ahh… What're you doing here?
-I wanna ask you the same question! Well, you know, I'm looking for Sarah! It seems, She's gone again!
-Yeah! That's a long story! Did you see her?

Victor looked at her with eyes full of hope.
- If I tell him the truth, he'll probably think I'm crazy. No I can't lie to him, but I must! Anyway, How can I can explain that his wife Sarah was sucked into the BIG glowing Hole?- she thought.
- Well…
-No, I didn't!
-Hmm… Why's she always disappearing? I wish I knew! What about you? Everything ok?

- I'm fine! - she lied, and Victor knew that. Somewhere, Deep down, he understand, something happened. And that "something" completely will change all his life.

All day they're working together. It was their first day. First day - in private. They spent it together, all alone in a little lab…
- So, The day's coming to the end, unfortunately!
-Yeah, but tomorrow will be a new work day for both of US!
- replied Alex
- Well… see you tomorrow at the same time
- Bye, Mr. Pearson, - she smiling at his awkwardness and left the lab.
- Another day is over, but what a wonderful day it was! Hmm…where's Sarah? We need to talk about forthcoming party, but she's still somewhere missing… Oh, By the way - Party!
Victor ran out of the lab straight to the lift where he's hoping to find Alex.
- Wait up! - he cried. Victor hardly got her… a minute late and she'd be in the lift without a chance to come back. He approached it and stretched his hands right into the lift, that stopped.
- What, Mr. Pearson? Everything ok? - she asked.
- I forgot to tell you something!
- Can it wait tomorrow? I'm in a great hurry!
- No… Would you like to come to the party?
- Party? When and Where?
- On this Saturday - here, in my mansion!
-Ok… with pleasure! So, let me lift, please!
-Oh, yes, of course! Bye!
- he smiled his enchanting smile and came back to his lab thinking about the strange feeling he had.

Meantime at Pearson's mansion…
- Why, so long, Andreas? I think, we come back at 12! But now it's 9 PM. Oh my gosh, Victor probably kill me!
-You? No, Sarah, trust me he don't. Moreover, admit it - we had a great time in the future.
-Yeah, your right! But what should I tell him. He'll ask me about this - and if he know we'll have big trouble.
-C'mon, Sarah. You're very clever woman. I'm sure you can. Or don't you forget you're cheating him for about 7 years!
-Sarah! Are you here?
- they heard a very familiar voice.
- Oh, no! It's Victor! He shouldn't see you here.
-See you at the party! Good luck!
- Avenir throw away the small ball - the Wormhole opened.
- SARAH! I know you're here. So, don't bother hiding!
-Victor!? Glad to see you! Where've you been! I was looking everywhere for you.
-How dare you? I know you've not been on the Pearadyne today.
-Victor! If you didn't see me there it doesn't mean that I wasn't there!
-Sarah! I'm not an idiot! Nobody saw you. Well…
-Ok, Victor! I'll tell you! I've been working on one secret project connected to the floating ball.
-What? Why I learned it only now?
-It's top secret. In your time you'll know… but now…
-Sarah! I need to know. I must know! I'm your husband, after all!
-You will know! Now, let's give up quarrelling! You'd better tell me how's your experiment?
-I've not finished it yet.
-Why? What have been doing the whole day?
-Nothing. I've been showing labs to my new assistant.
-What? I hope she didn't see my ball?
-Your ball? I think it's mine. Sarah, what does it mean?
-OK. Your ball. So what?
-Of course, she didn't. All right, I'm so tired today.
-No. Why couldn't you ask someone else to show her the labs and the company? Tell me!
-Hm.. I dunno. Maybe.. 'cause she's MY assistant! Sarah, what's up?
- Sarah was deep it her thoughts. She was thinking of his words. And something in her mind told he's lying. He hasn't just show that girl labs. It was more than just a familiarization with the staff and the company itself… More!!!
- What are you thinking of?-Victor asked.
- Nothing! It's late. See you tomorrow! - said Sarah and quickly left the room. Victor smiled watching her going.

Next morning and all day long Victor and his young assistant spent together again as it was the day before. The only thing that distinguished them was device they were working on.
- Mr. Pearson! What project we're working on? - Alex asked
- Hmm.. I really dunno how to call it. OK. I think it's time to do this. Let's call it.. a device for creating a hole… Black Hole.
-Black Hole!?
- the girl exclaimed.
- Hush!
-You mean the very Black Holes?
-Yes. But please don't let Sarah know. Ok?
-So, we can travel in time?
-Yeah! Remember, Nobody should know about it!
-Fantastic! When you finish this device you'll revolutionize the science world.
-I know!
- smiled Victor.
Meanwhile Janitor and Josie2 were watching them.
- Do you think it's right that she's here? - the clone asked.
- What?
-Maybe we made a mistake - let Pearson met her?
-Why? Have doubts?
-Won't his love just distract?
-On the contrary, due to this love Victor will finally become successful!
-And what about Sarah?
-Time will tell. And please! Don't you dare interfere! Get it?

Josie2 gave him the freeze and disappeared.


The experiment was a success splendidly. The only thing that so disappointed Victor was a duration. It was too small - it needed more power. But who can ever guess that power the need is right here.

The party day

-Victor, maybe we should postpone the party till the best time? -Sarah said, staying at the mirror and doing a hair-set.
- Why? Sarah. What's up? I think we've already solved that, haven't we? We just need more power. I'm working on it, you know. But today we have a party. So, please forget about work, at least for today. Moreover, we've signed a very profitable for us contract. There will be many respectable men.
-Maybe you're right… but tomorrow we'll continue.
-If we can!
- laughed Victor and gave her a wink.

By 5 o'clock the decoration of the house has been finished: the refreshments and different drinks were served. The rooms kept being lonely till the first knocking at the door… And in a half an hour the mansion has been fool of guests and friends, including staff and of course Victor's assistant.

She was dressed in a grand red cocktail dress and red high shoes. Her hair were loose as usual.
Alex was standing at the big table looking around. First Victor didn't recognize her, he approached her with two goblets of champagne.
- Have we met before, miss?
- I think. Yes! - Alex replied and smiled watching his black suit.
- Huh! Alex!? Nice to see you. You look gorgeous!
- Thank you.
While they're flirting, Sarah's chatting with Kelly and Avenir.
- Hey, Kelly! Glad to see you here.
-Hi, Sarah! Nice party!
-Yeah! Perfect! Umm… Sarah, What a beautiful lady Victor's chatting with?
- asked Avenir.
- Oh, you don't know? She's his new assistant.
-Hmm… I've not seen her here before. What's her name?
- asked Kelly.
- I dunno. She's just here since Thursday.
-Aren't you afraid of her? She can walk him off.
-No, Kelly! She can't!
-It's up to you!
The light faded away, instead was switched a ….
Somebody's switched on the music.
-Will you dance with me?
- offered Victor.
- With pleasure!
He took her hand and led her to the center of the room. Put his hand on her waist and looked in her shining eyes. She felt his body pressed against hers…and they began dancing Tango, the most passionate dance all over the world! They're dancing and notice no one. It was their own world with no rules. Victor was so close her. Alex could even hear his breathing. He mashed his mouth against hers to kiss her. But he didn't succeed - the light was switched on again and the music died off.
- Don't you mind if we go away?
-Let's go I'll show you
, - he took her hand and they left mansion together. Nobody saw them going to the forest.
- Why we are here? - Alex asked. He made her nervous!
- Here we are safe! No one can distract me from you and you from me! - Victor approached her and embraced her waist, pressing her to his body. She felt his heat, she found it very difficult to prevent herself from wanting to kiss him… invisible flash of light just affected them. Staying so close to each other they couldn't prevent anymore. Fleeting passion seized their bodies.

Victor griped her face between his hands and mashed the mouth against hers...
Kissing him she gently took his jacket and then the shirt off.
She found his arousal as he bit and kissed her neck. With one hand he kept pressing her, and another one he lowered the thin straps, one by one, from her short red dress that felt to the grass silently…
Looking her naked, he couldn't prevent - he pushed her to the grass and pounced on her with all his passion that developed in something more than just a passion. They gave themselves in to each other. When the ritual of love was over, they kept lying on the grass and smiling each other till the next day saying nothing…

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